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I'm a student at University of South Alabama Majoring in Health Education.

Monday, April 5, 2010

EDM Blog #13

The Zax

The Zax movie that I got to view can be related in the use of technology in the classrooms in
many ways. However, let me just focus on one main point on this su
nny Sunday. The main point being that many still are not willing to make the necessary changes in their classrooms in relationship to implementing technology. I hope that I do not have the level of stubbornness that the
Zax do when it comes to implementing technology in my future classroom.

My main concern is about lower income schools where the resources may not be present to support what I want to do with technology. When people are stubborn like the Zax it is one issue, but when people want to progress but don't have the means to do so, that's an entirely different issue at hand. We always seem to shed light on people who are stubborn and don't wan
t to learn about technology or implement it, we never think about how to help those who want to but can't due to lack of resources.

PS 22 Chorus

This video was absolutely amazing and made me cry. I even got sidetracked and proceeded to watch the majority of the videos that they had out on You Tube and I checked out their class blog. With the help of a dedicated teacher, a group of great kids, and the internet PS 22 has become a well-known success. This is a prime example of why it's beneficial to display your student's work whether it be via blogging, You Tube etc. Mr. B. displayed his kids work online and got so much exposure from influential people and in return gave his students experiences of a life time. Some of the experiences include being on the Today Show, singing the national anthem for the New York Rangers and being able to have celebrities come visit their classroom (ie. Matisyahu, who is one of my favorite reggae artists and Tori Amos to name a few). The previous could not have been achieved so quickly and efficiently without the help of YouTube and blogger. Need I say more about technology use in the classroom?

These kids were great! They worked as a team really well and were able to express themselves in a positive and healthy way. This is a great example of a good teacher in action. A teacher who works hard for his students, cares for them and encourages them. One who is energetic and passionate about what he does. I hope I can like Mr. Breinberg someday.

Comments 4 Kids

This week I got the chance to comment on Semi's video post. Semi attends Pt. England School in Auckland, New Zealand. In his video he told about a noodle eating contest that he was in. He told about his experience eating noodles with a chopstick. I love eating with chopsticks, love Asian food, but still can't for the life of me eat noodles with chopsticks.... What a fun activity to have in your classroom someday.

View Semi's Post Here


  1. So you liked Dr. Seuss and PS 22. Great! I get diverted to other things often on the Internet as you did. It's fun!

  2. I also enjoyed the PS 22 video. It so cool to see all of the students working together to make something so powerful.
